![]() Issue
#29, February, 2011
![]() Welcome to the February 2011 issue of the Elderwoman Newsletter - an e-zine for 21st century elderwomen committed to radical aliveness. ![]() CONTENTS
View from the Desk Feature Articles - 'Urgency vs Panic' by Louise LeBrun - 'Whether the Weather...' - 'A Conspiracy of Crones' Reports/News/Bits & Pieces - Online Reading - Online Listening - Offline Reading Poetry Call for Submissions Last Laugh ![]() VIEW FROM THE DESK
vs Panic
by Louise LeBrun A few days
ago, I had the
opportunity to spend time with some women who are new to me, in my
life. I have
become accustomed to spending time with people who know me well through
personal contact. I sometimes forget that what I intend to say and what
hear, don’t always match. Such was my discovery during this recent
conversation. As we shared perspectives, one
thought that came into my awareness was my mindfulness of increasing
speed in
the passage of time; and in the acceleration of interacting, living
systems - be they the individual or the planet. I was reminded of
having read
of the Schumann
Resonance ** or pulse of the Earth (like a heartbeat) ... and how
since 1980, this resonance has slowly been rising from 7.83 cycles per
to its current 12 cycles per second! Not only do I ‘know’ this
reflected in the words on a page in the scientific community, I ‘know’
this as
a profound truth in the very tissue of my being. As we were approaching
the end of
our evening exploration, I shared with this small group of women my
deep and
vast sense of urgency. It caught me off guard when one of the women
spoke to that notion of what I was calling ‘urgency’ in words that
referred to
‘panic’ and ‘terror’. It was a great opportunity for me to stop... take
breath... and revisit: just what do I mean by urgency? Certainly, not that!
Despite what
I hold to be the great potential of massive change, having a
significant impact
on my (and your!) world and all of us who walk through it, I have no
sense of
panic or terror - and I do have a great sense of urgency. Urgency!
To get on with it; to engage the moment, fully and with 100% of my
present. Urgency, to stay mindful and present; connected to my own
truth as the external truths of myriad others hold the potential to
and take the lead on the deeply personal journey of my life. Urgency! To live... engage!... and
express fully all that moves inside me. Being both willing and able to
that on the holodeck of my experience, nothing presents that is not
intended to
awaken me to the ‘more’ that I already am - and have not yet noticed.
Urgency! To take the
breath that
presents in the moment and not try to pass it by for the next. To
breathe and
relax and let go... into the unknown of my safe and expansive Universe,
that I
might better know more of ME to be its living expression. Urgency! To say what’s
on my mind,
in the moment that it moves... and not seek to wait for the ‘right’
time or the
‘optimal’ time or the ‘best’ time... but to know that the passage of
time is
the unfolding of my life; choosing to live fully right here/right now,
than wait for the next invitation to do so. In the urgency of my
being, there
is no good/bad, right/wrong, there is only the power of potential and
the grace
of opportunity, leaving me to determine how much or how little of each,
I might
embrace. For me, urgency is a
measure of
the intensity of my great desire to LIVE! It recognizes that life is
all about
living - not thinking about living; and it reminds me that the only
moment that
I can know, for sure, will be mine is THIS one. What do I intend to do
with it?
Who do I intend to allow myself to become, from it? If not now, then
when? I
am so
grateful for that brief yet profoundly moving moment with another whose
Adventure has intertwined with my own. I now know mySelf more than I
did in
that moment; and I am even more wiling to accelerate this path... with
** To
lean more about the Schumann Resonance that Louise refers to, and how
it affects us all, watch this 4-minute video
Then, with those images of lightning
still in your mind, read on...![]()
immediately brings out in force all those climate change deniers, eager
prove that humans are not affecting the weather by pointing out our
long history of changeability and unpredictability in the weather
(Because of course if they are right, then we can continue in our
planet-trashing behaviour and won’t have to trade in the SUV for a
Prius or
turn down the central heating or stop buying stuff we don’t need.) However,
there is just one important fact
grasp (though most people don't seem to, unfortunately) and if you can
get that
across, the details don’t matter. The important fact is this. Despite all these fluctuations in
its climate over
the millions of years of its existence, our planet has always been able
adjust itself and
stay within certain
limits, using some key mechanisms. What
human activity has done is to cripple—or at least
seriously impair—some
of those vital mechanisms. For
example, two of the important 'adjustment' mechanisms involve forests. Forests are vital
because of the
moisture they 'breathe
out' , which by
creating clouds balances up the increased
albedo (reflectivity) of the polar ice caps during
glacial periods, thereby
warming things up again. They also, as we know, soak up carbon and
this, too
has an effect in the overall, climatic scheme of things. So by chopping
forests and at the same time churning out a whole
lot of extra carbon we
have done severe
damage to two of
Earth's important coping strategies. It is just as though a person’s
glands were destroyed, leaving her or him without one of the key
strategies for
regulating body temperature. The next fever might prove fatal. © Marian Van Eyk
McCain, 2011 ![]() Would
there be one, in fact? Many of us, at this stage of our lives, have
become newly
independent creatures, forging a life for ourselves that transcends the
culturally prescribed roles we had for so many years as workers, as
wives and
mothers and day-to-day caregivers of the young and the old. We are
cutting loose, breaking
new ground, marking out new trails, ‘doing our own thing’ at last, with
fierce and urgent joy and redefining what it means to be elders in the
century world. Bringing us together in a flock or a herd, or even in a
would surely be a bit like herding cats. And
yet... If
there was a collective noun for us, I think it might be
Because one of the most surprising—and utterly delicious—things I have
discovered about being an elderwoman is that all the time we are
these new freedoms and creating these new lifestyles for ourselves, all
time we are busy being independent, enjoying our solitude, deepening
relationship to Nature and to our own creative pursuits whether these
writing, painting, photography, gardening or quilting or whatever they
are, we
are doing it together. And we are
supporting each other, sometimes in obvious, tangible ways and
sometimes in
mysterious, numinous ways that we cannot exactly define but only sense. For
there definitely seems to be some unspoken, mostly unacknowledged kind
of freemasonry
that operates between crones. We send each other secret, wordless
signals. Have
you noticed those little smiles of recognition that happen, in the
street or on
a bus, as we sense the passing presence of another ‘one of us’ ? Have you noticed the accelerated
development of friendship
that happens nowadays when you sit down with a new acquaintance of
similar age
and interests and the same zest for life? Maybe it is because there is
cautious defensiveness in us now. We are more open than we used to be,
willing to let ourselves be seen, more able to trust. And more
intuitive too,
probably: more attentive to the subtle energies that flow between us
and which
connect us by invisible threads to each other and to all the other life
around us. I
enjoy bearing witness to the delight of women who first discover my
Elderwoman website
and other conscious
aging sites, who
find their way to this newsletter and find out that there is a social
network now that’s
just for them—women who thought they were alone in this enterprise and
suddenly discover that it is not a solitary enterprise at all but a
is the sisterhood more visible or more keenly felt that at the annual Crones
Counsel gatherings. Every one of these gatherings is both a
homecoming and a
new adventure. I just wish I could attend them all. If the need to trim
carbon emissions by staying out of the air was no such an important
for me these days,
I would definitely go
every year. There
is a sadness, though, in the realization that there are millions of
‘third age’
women who still don’t know what they are missing. Women who are busy
their lost youth and trying to recapture it—a hollow pursuit that can
bring frustration—or who, through caution or particular circumstance,
locked into the old ways, pursuing ‘business as usual’, and suffering
the gradual
onset of a sense of meaninglessness. For example, I know a woman for
whom all that is left
is the frantic scrabble each morning for something—anything—to
fill the day, to pass the time until there is something
on TV in which she can lose herself, enabling her, at bedtime, to cross
another 24 hours in the seemingly endless wait for death. And
I know women many years older than her whose lives are crammed with
meaning, women
marching with banners, heading up committees, creating art, meditating,
dancing... What
it, I often wonder, that makes the difference? Why do some people, as
they age,
seem to lose their zest and shrink into the shadows whilst others, even
if they
have health problems, find themselves wading ever more deeply into life, savouring every breath and
every moment? I wish I knew. But what I do know is that whenever something new starts moving in the collective unconscious, it usually isn’t long before it swells into greater visibility and starts popping up everywhere. There are more of us than there used to be, of that I am certain. That is clearly reflected on the Internet, by the rapidly increasing number of websites, blogs, books and organizations concerned with conscious, joyful ageing.The conspiracy of crones is widening daily, as we speak. And that, dear sisters, is very good news indeed, don’t you think? © Marian Van Eyk McCain, 2011. Here’s
a snippet
from the Nov/Dec 2010 edition of the Positive Aging Newsletter DAILY
this isn’t everything Dr.
Oz recommends, it certainly provides a good start. To read the rest of the Positive Aging Newsletter, click here.
Judith Ann Henry, whose poem 'Eagle's Blessing' appeared in the previous newsletter, now offers this one "...about frontier women...and making it in tough economic times." Nancy
and Virginia
Hotel Bill The moral: Don't mess with Elderwomen!! Brenda,
a long-time subscriber from Brisbane, sent that one. Yesterday
I was at my local COSTCO buying a large bag of Purina dog chow for my
pet, Champ, the Wonder Dog, and was in the check-out line when a woman
me asked if I had a dog. The
Elderwoman Newsletter by Marian Van Eyk McCain, February 2011
The Elderwoman website: http://www.elderwoman.org Marian's e-mail: marian(at)elderwoman.org NB: replace 'at' with the @ sign, and please remember to insert OKEM in the subject line to make sure you get through my three layers of spam filtering! Unfortunately, the filters are a necessity to stop my in-box flooding with spam. - oh and when you write to me, please remember that my name is spelt MARIAN with an 'A' (the same as Robin Hood's girlfriend) |